The 25th Alabama Infantry Regiment was organized at Mobile in December 1861 by the consolidation of
McCellan's 1st and 6th Alabama Infantry Battalions [smaller than the normal regiment's 1,000 men]. The men were from the counties
of Calhoun, Coffee, Pickens, Pike, Randolph, Saint Clair, Shelby and Talladega. It remained in that vicinity 2-3 months, then
went to TN.
Brigaded under Gen'l Adley Gladden, the regiment (numbering 305 effectives, because of illness0 fought
at Shilo (casualties: 15k, 75w). Placed under Gen'l Gardner, with the 19th, 22nd, 39th and 26-50th, the 25th Regiment met
with trifling loss at Framington. It moved into KY with Gen'l Braxton Bragg's Army of the Tennessee from the Chattanooga base,
but was not engaged in any action. It came back, and participated at Murfreesboro -- Col. Loomis commanding the brigade (casualties:
13k, 88w, 16m, out of about 250 present for duty).
The regiment - Gen'l Zachariah Deas in command of the brigade - fell back with the army and was in
the forward movement at Chickamauga (casulties: 33% of 330 engaged). Total strength, December 1863; 304 men and 174 arms.
It again suffered severely at Missionary Ridge, but wintered and recruited at Dalton, GA.
All along the bloody track of the hostile armies through north Georgia, the 25th left a record, especially
at New Hope. At Atlanta, 22 July, the regiment lost 49% of its force but captured two stands of colors, and more prisoners
than it numbered. Six days later, near the same spot, the 25th again lost very heavily. It was engaged at Jonesboro without
severe loss, but suffered considerably at Columbia - on Hoods arrival in middle Tennessee. At Franklin, the regiment
again lost largely, and at Nashville, its loss was not light, but it preserved its organization on the retreat.
Proceeding to the Carolinas, the 25th was in Sherman's front, with some casualties at Columbia and
Kinston, and with large loss at Bentonville. Consolidated with the 19th, 22nd, 39th, and 26 - 50th, the regiment was shortly-after
surrendered at Goldsboro, having about 75 men of the old 25th present for duty.
For more on the 25th Alabama Infantry Regiment - CLICK HERE